Want to Write for Qawwam?
At Qawwam, we’re always looking for new voices and talent to contribute to the spread of our message and ideas. Keep in mind, you can always email our Editor in Chief directly ([email protected]) as well.
In order for us to consider you in the first place, we have some obvious ground rules.
- Be a Muslim
- Be a Man
There are no exceptions to this. I’m sure you understand.
We’re primarily looking for articles ranging from 500 to 2,500 words in any of the following:
- Health and Fitness
- Religion
- Philosophy
- History
- Politics/Culture
- Finance
- Book/Movie Reviews
Due to the format, we of course can only accept short stories and excerpts ranging no shorter than 500 and no longer than 3,000 words. Get crazy with this. Whether its satirical commentary on the current state of things or a historical anecdote recounting a moment of glory/reflection/consequence and its spiritual implications, we’re all for it.
The suitability of your story’s content for our readers, Islamically, will be evaluated at the discretion of the editor and his well-learned associates on the matter.
We also accept submissions for Islamic art, photography, and the like. Powerful images/art with the right vibe and aesthetic are always welcome – and credit will always be due, of course. Email high quality images as a .png, .jpg, or .pdf directly to [email protected]. Also send whatever social media tags you’d like us to include when we credit you.