An Open Letter to American Muslim Leaders

Disclaimer: This article was written 3/10/2024. The only thing I’d change here is replacing every “Biden” with “Harris”.

As of writing this, Nikki Haley has recently quit her run for U.S. president, confirming what already was seen as a done deal since Trump’s indictment charges were dropped last March: that the 2024 election would once again be between Trump and Biden. The polls consistently made it obvious for months, and Trump’s astounding victories across the state primaries confirmed it. This part of the political debate regarding the election is decisively over. More interesting however is what happened on the Democrat side: Biden, the incumbent President and only relevant candidate in the blue primaries, lost the city of Dearborn, made up of a majority of Middle Easterners, by 6% to a vote of “Uncommitted.”

We all know why this happened, but it’s important to remember that something began to brew even before the devastating events in Gaza since October 7th, which is the sentiment in the American Muslim community that voting for Biden in 2020 by more than 70% of our demographic was, perhaps, a big mistake. Before the crisis of the Palestinians (once again) took our attention whole months back, many of you will remember that one of the hot topics in the American Muslim community was how exactly we were going to divorce ourselves from the claws of leftist insanity that had gripped the country since the Obama years, and only continued to accelerate in derangement and open lewdness, ethnic narcissism, public indecency, and aggressive harassment towards anyone who dared to object to it. Many Muslims who were paying attention even back in 2019 were rightfully concerned about this as the rest of the country was too busy salivating over the latest scandalous Trump story of the week; but as we all know, the fear and anxiety induced by the pandemic that followed, concurrently with one of the greatest media manipulations in American history, spooked most into voting Democrat again; and to many of those I spoke to, this was to their great shame once they saw what followed.

If you’re reading this because you felt you fell within the broad range the title of this letter implies: I’m here to make a plea with you. You might be one of CAIR’s desk jockeys, a member of your local Masjid’s board of trustees, or the school board of the Islamic school you send your young kids to. You might have been one of those connected enough to have been invited to the White House Iftar last year. Or, in all likelihood, you’re just a Muslim parent who’s fearful for your children’s future. It’s this last group I have the most sympathy for. My plea to you is this: do not, under any circumstance, break and cave like you did in 2020. I am asking you, for once, to act and vote pragmatically like our enemies have done for longer than we and our parents have been in these lands.

Now, more than ever, American Muslims have been presented with the opportunity to make a statement to show what happens when we as an electorate are ignored, insulted, and shafted; yet are still expected to grovel like Pavlov’s Dogs to the polls in November and vote Democrat like we’ve been told to. These concerns we voice are not only tied to us as Muslims who believe in traditional family values and public decency but to American First interests as a whole who are now far more concerned with domestic policy than idiotic ventures abroad that bleed this country dry.

It took, unfortunately, extreme aggression and devastation on the parts of America and Israel on our people in Gaza since October to instill in American Muslims this year, officially, the sense that this time around we’re going to abandon Biden. I’m all for this — I wrote about this years ago when it was considered outrageous to say it — but like before in 2020, it’s a decision based mostly on emotional impulse. We want to #AbandonBiden this time around because we, rightfully, feel angry and devastated at what this administration allowed to happen with their full endorsement and material support. Here lies the problem. Any demographic that is easily swayed by emotion will be the easiest to take advantage of by regime propaganda. I don’t know what it will be at the time of writing this — none of us do — but if you don’t think the Biden regime is already preparing a Big Spook in the summer or fall to get us all back on the reservation after pissing us off these past few months, you’re a complete fool.

What I’m asking is that you brace yourself from now. Prepare yourself not to listen to the shrieking of easily manipulated leftist activists (even if they wear Hijabs and speak Arabic) and degenerate lunatics on this issue just because they supported Palestine and Muslim civil rights. This group has failed us repeatedly and has proven itself to not care about the everyday concerns of normal, practicing Muslims. It’s time we made our own way and risk alienating whoever we need to for the longer-term goal that very few seem to be voicing at the moment.

I know, it’s not easy to just come out and say: I’m going to vote for Donald Trump, as an American Muslim, because I believe in goals for my community you don’t understand right now. It’s counterintuitive, I get it. But look around you. You have a family. You work hard. You went to college (or not), and you want to be able to send your kids there too. You don’t want to be terrified of what they’ll pick up there, or much earlier in school for that matter from pink-haired lunatics who think gender isn’t real. Just like the people Trump appeals to, your economic power and community fabric are assaulted daily by lowlifes who despise everything good and beautiful in this world — which to you, is your ability to worship the One True God and teach your children to do the same, without being preyed on by demons in sheep’s clothing.

You’re in all likelihood not perfect yourself. You made a lot of compromises living in this country concerning your religion that you’re not proud of, and it demoralizes you. That doesn’t mean you just give up and go for the side that promises you gibs. This prosperous American Empire is sliding, and we all know it. You need to look ahead and give yourself time. None of us are prepared for another Biden presidency, and frankly, plenty of us can’t afford it.

If you’re going to say you’re abandoning Biden, then it’s abandoning Biden until the end. Not abandon Biden “until we see the other option is Trump.” This is a bold claim for many of you. You have this idea, once accepting that it’s either Trump or Biden, that you’ll vote for a third candidate, or neither and just stay home. I’m going to claim, at my own risk, that you should indeed vote for Trump, however begrudgingly. I’ll explain why.

Your goal, if you truly want to “make your voice heard,” is not going to be achieved by rendering yourself a political nullity. Nothing is terrifying to the regime about a demographic that either votes or doesn’t — what they’re afraid of are those willing to vote for their enemies instead, even if it doesn’t make sense to them. That means voting for Trump even if he rambles about “Radical Islamic Terror.” It means voting for him even if he talks about how much he hates immigrants or — and I mean this — talks about how he’s Israel’s actual champion and is willing to do anything for them. The reality when it comes to the regime and Israel is that things like MENA normalization with Zionism, IDF military funds, and censorship happen no matter which party is in office. The point of switching candidates this time, however, is to show that we aren’t just a shoo-in for Democrats no matter what they do. A future administration that takes notice of a radical shift in our voting patterns will be far more inclined to make concessions than one that’s convinced that “those Muslims will vote Democrat anyway no matter what we do to piss them off.”

Many raised concerns rooted in the fear of twenty years ago post 9/11. After seeing a brief revival of that after October 7th, how can anyone blame you? But it’s important to learn now that the Neocon Warhawk ideology and the horror that comes with it is no longer restricted to the Republican party. Many will argue it was never their exclusive specialty in the first place. The Democrats who sway racial and religious minorities with honeyed words have had just as much of a hand in spilling blood abroad and restricting religious freedoms on American soil in the name of their lord and savior Israel as much as any Republican.

This isn’t an endorsement of Trump or the Republican party. It’s an endorsement of the policy that you, my dear brothers and sisters, need to adopt — which is to think beyond the frame of two parties and more in terms of who appeases you and who doesn’t. You need to think holistically. You’ve heard repeatedly, every four years, that we must choose between the lesser of two evils. It’s time to admit that this isn’t an exception, but the rule. As estranged Muslims in a land ruled by those who hold no regard for our traditions or goals, we will never have a “good” choice in any election. It will always be, instead, an approximate one. This time, it’s as clear as it could be that the approximation needs to happen as a matter of punishing those we expected to be our public servants, instead of allowing ourselves to be punished by their arrogance every other day of the year.

Back in 2016, a common adage said by your average American Muslim was “We’re not voting for Hillary, we’re voting against Trump.” Well now we must ask, are you willing to vote not for Trump, but against Biden?

– Your editor, Abdullah Yousef @AvdullahYousef